

A free and anonymous file metadata stripping service built using Express.js, deployed onto the Tor network, and rate limited using Redis.

SEP 2020


Incinerate is a robust full-stack application designed to provide a free, anonymous online tool for removing metadata from media files, championing digital privacy. I developed this project to support the cause of online privacy, ensuring utmost security throughout.

The user-friendly frontend supports a wide range of media files, from images to Microsoft Office documents, allowing bulk uploads and parallel processing using asynchronous technology. The backend employs mat2 to strip metadata, storing the processed files temporarily in a public directory and ensuring their deletion upon download or after five minutes to maintain privacy.

The application is containerized with Docker for seamless deployment and is hosted on DigitalOcean. To enhance accessibility, I integrated Tor and set up a hidden service. For secure communication, I used Certbot for HTTPS certification. Additionally, Redis is utilized for daily IP rate limiting, further securing the platform.